
How Visceral Manipulation Aids Fertility

In today’s article we discuss visceral manipulation and fertility. Specifically, we will explore how visceral manipulation provides a natural, cost effective solution to aid in fertility.

As stated in our post on “Nutrition For Fertility”, Infertility is far-reaching, with recent studies suggesting that nearly 1 in 6 adults worldwide – or over 17% of the adult population – suffer from it. Beyond just being a condition that describes a person’s inability to achieve a pregnancy “after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse” (WHO) or “after 6 months of unprotected sex” for women aged 35 years or older (CDC), infertility can adversely affect a person’s health as well. 

Individuals and/or couples who suffer from Infertility often experience social, mental, emotional, and even financial distress. There is external pressure from friends and family to start a family. IVF is huge financial ($20,000-$50,000), physical, and emotional commitment. IVF is also not guaranteed to work.

In this blog we will explore Visceral Mobilization/Manipulation as:

  • A natural alternative solution to aid in fertility.
  • A complimentary treatment to increase your success rate should IVF be a part of your journey. 

What Is Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation is a hands-on therapy technique that targets the alignment and mobility of internal organs in order to aid fertility. Using our hands, a pelvic floor physical therapist will externally locate, and move the organ to stretch the tissues. Visceral manipulation improves blood flow to the organs and tissues by restoring mobility.

Visceral Mobilization for fertility
Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Fertility Specialist

Inflammation: A Limiting Factor

Inflammation in the abdomen limits mobility, and impacts fertility. This inflammation can be caused by a multitude of factors such as:

  • Poor gut health
  • Surgeries
  • Pathology of the abdominal organs
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
    • Endometriosis
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)  

The Connection Between Visceral Manipulation and Fertility

Every organ moves. Limitations in mobility will limit the organ from functioning effectively. If your organs cannot function properly this may present barriers in your fertility journey. This is where visceral manipulation aids in fertility.

Next, lets explore a few specific fertility related issues visceral manipulation can address.

Uterine Issues Limiting Mobility

Surgical removal of fibroids and polyps, myomectomy and hysteroscopy respectively, can create scar tissue in the uterus. The scar tissue limits the normal movement of the uterus, including movement within the abdominal cavity and the uterus’ ability to contract. Additionally, restricted mobility limits blood flow. 

Ovarian Restrictions

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormone disorder which causes multiple cysts to form in the ovaries. Visceral Manipulation of the ovary can help restore mobility which is lost from the inflammation of the area. 

Pelvic Adhesions or Scar Tissue

Surgery disrupts your tissue and limits mobility through the various layers of the abdomen. For optimal mobility it is necessary for each layer to glide on top of the other without restrictions. Surgery often causes the fluid that allows the layers to move freely to be lost. Visceral manipulation restores the gliding of the tissue. 

Digestive Issues Impacting Reproductive Health

IBS causes inflammation around the abdomen. This inflammation restricts mobility of the abdominal cavity, which impacts the reproductive organs. Visceral manipulation of the abdomen can reduce inflammation, thus restoring mobility.

Benefits of Visceral Manipulation for Fertility

In the next section I would like to detail some of the fertility specific benefits visceral manipulation can provide.

Improved Blood Flow

Visceral manipulation improves blood flow to your reproductive organs. When organs move as they should, blood flow is restored. This provides the vital nutrients your organ needs to be healthy and work effectively. 

Reduction of Pelvic and Abdominal Tension

In addition to discomfort, pelvic and abdominal tension creates an environment for stagnation. Stagnation limits the ability of your lymphatic system to remove waste products from the tissue, and causes inflammation. Visceral manipulation improves pelvic and abdominal mobility, reduces tension, and allows the movement required to remove waste. Resulting in an overall reduction of inflammation.

Balancing Hormonal Pathways

As we touched upon above, when an organ’s mobility is not healthy it will not function as it should. One factor that is impacted is the hormonal pathways. Each organ has hormones that it is responsible for. When the organ does not function as it should, the hormones that are created, processed, and/or received are not consistent. Restoring visceral mobility will help improve organ function, and re-balance hormones each organ creates. 

How Visceral Manipulation Compliments Other Fertility Treatments

Visceral Manipulation is also a great compliment to other fertility treatments, as it creates synergies to increase the overall success of your other efforts.

Visceral Manipulation and IVF

For Patients who are currently, or are planning to, undergo IVF visceral manipulation helps to ensure the optimal workings of your reproductive organs, thus increasing chances of IVF success. This is achieved by:

  • Improvement in blood flow to reproductive organs
  • Increasing lymphatic drainage
  • Increasing overall organ mobility

Visceral Manipulation and Other Holistic Approaches

Many fertility patients we work with at Optimize Pelvic Health are concurrently utilizing other holistic approaches, such as:

  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Dietary Changes
  • Stress Management

While the approaches above can have positive results on their own, adding visceral manipulation into your repertoire will make for even better results. This is because visceral manipulation helps increases mobility, decreases inflammation and allows your organs function at a more optimal level. As such it creates a synergy that will allow you to realize better results from other approaches as well.

What to Expect from a Session

During a visceral manipulation session at Optimize Pelvic Health, we work on lymphatic drainage and abdominal tension to clear the space. We utilize hands-on assessment techniques, with consideration of your medical history, to identify which organs to target for each session.

Visceral Manipulation focuses on releasing tissues that have adhesions and waste build-up. As such, here are some things to be aware of for your session:

  • Working on releasing organs may create lethargy and fatigue in the short term immediately after your appointment.
  • Drink lots of water after your session.
  • Prepare to rest after your session.

Visceral manipulation is a great treatment option for those experiencing infertility. It restores organ mobility, allowing improved blood flow, and better hormone regulation. The improved health of your organs optimizes the pelvic region for fertility. If you are struggling with fertility or planning to start a family, call us to schedule your appointment.

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